The rater lists up to three (at least two) different future duty positions in which the rated NCO could best serve the Army at the current or next higher grade. Therefore, do not recommend a SSG serve as a 1SG or a SGT serve in a position normally identified for junior personnel. Also, a SSG who receives a marginal…

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NCOER Bullet Guidance

Specific bullet examples are mandatory for excellence or needs improvement ratings. Comments must be entered in “bullet” narrative format adhering to: o short, concise, to the point o ideal bullet is one line, but no more than two o no more than one bullet to a line o must double-space between bullets o best bullets start…

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NCOER Bullets Competence

Commended by the Battalion Commander for his Leaderbook; now used as an example for others to follow Received I Corps CSM coin for excellence Outstanding Battle Staff skills; key to success of platoon and company operations Chosen as Observer Controller to assist a FSB which resulted in a successful JRTC rotation Task oriented and detail…

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Preparing for Centralized Noncommissioned Officer boards

Recommendations on preparing for centralized noncommissioned officer boards. The information provided is drawn from discussions with senior noncommissioned officers who have participated in centralized boards, have experience in preparing official records for boards, and understand what is required to succeed during the board process. When you attain the rank of Staff Sergeant it’s time to…

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The Soldier Record Brief (SRB)

The Soldier Record Brief (SRB) is a multi-Component report that will be available to users as part of IPPS-A’s first release. The SRB offers HR Professionals, Leaders, and Soldiers centralized access to personnel information online and provides a snapshot of a Soldier’s military career information. The SRB will standardize and eventually replace the Enlisted and…

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How to use bullets to make a long sentences easier to read

If a sentence contains a series of related ideas or laundry-list items, put them in a bullet format. To make a bullet format, follow these steps: Step Action Bullets 1 Break the sentence into a lead-in statement and list ideas under it. Use this technique only for a long series. Don’t use it for a series…

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Advanced Leaders Course Common Core (DL)

The ALC-CC (DL) is a self-paced and challenging course designed to provide Sergeants and Staff Sergeants with an opportunity to acquire the leader technical and tactical Values, Attributes, Skills, and Actions (VASA) needed to lead a squad-size unit. Students must satisfactorily complete (graduate) all phases before granting them credit for the course. The ALC CC…

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Effective Military Communication (Slideshow)

Communication: The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, or writing. Barriers to Communication •  Physical Barriers •  Cultural Barriers •  Language Differences •  Format Errors •  Grammar and Spelling Mistakes Military Writing “Effective Army writing transmits a clear message in a single, rapid reading, and is generally free of errors in…

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Training NCOER Bullets (Success)

· instituted the first ever tactical lane training for the CI platoon, enabling 15 individuals tasks to be trained in one event · trains his section to completely accomplish any and all tasks assigned · established rapport and battle rhythm with training area headquarters to enable execution of Squadron air and ground gunnery · builds a winning attitude through tough and realistic training · extremely adept at preparing his section for professional and technical excellence · developed training materials that enhance the soldier’s performance and duty related skills · continually sought after by subordinates and superiors throughout the BCT as the sole point of contact for counterintelligence related issues · fostered a positive work environment by unselfishly sharing insight and knowledge with seniors, peers, and subordinates · integrated two Soldiers into a newly created analytical contingency operations team through mentorship and training · trained all S2 personnel in information security operations resulting in zero security violations · completed Interrogation Certification Training; was instrumental in preparing two new interrogators to effectively operate in the austere conditions of Eastern Baghdad · continually trained peers and subordinates how to detect, report, and prevent SCI security violations resulting in zero deficiencies · successfully completed the Contracting Officer’s Representative Course · trained 15 battalion-level interpreter managers in all aspects of the BCT Commander’s newly established policies and procedures · consistently placed mission first, personal interests second · instructed three analysts on targets and tools to track them; info sources, systems procedures, equipment operation, he knew it all · developed and executed outstanding company-level decon training during company FTX in OCT 99 · selected as Instructor of the Cycle over 8 other instructors · mentored the brigade Soldier of the Quarter and second runner-up for two quarters · understands the Army Campaign, training guidance and resource constraints effects on training · trained ten personnel to a high level of proficiency before they were entrusted to work without supervision · eager to share knowledge and insight; continually sought out by peers and subordinates because of his vast intelligence experience and knowledge · spent considerable time and effort passing knowledge and experience on to others · continually trained peers and subordinates to accomplish the Brigade’s critical personnel security mission during her absence · tactical and technical proficiency a real asset for Soldier development · integrated and trained two senior NCOs on all facets of intelligence operations preventing any mission degradation during vital periods of personnel absences · continually sought after and respected by subordinates and superiors throughout the BCT as an insurgency subject matter expert · successfully completed the Movement Control Specialist Course and was on the Commandant’s List · superbly executed support to the division level Warfighter training events · ensured imagery analysts acquired critical skills by coordinating for two separate TDY training events at National Intelligence Agencies prior to deployment · designed and initiated a new briefing standard for the commander; significant events affecting regional areas conveyed immediately · consistently strives to streamline all operational areas to increase the overall efficiency of the organization · performed quality control measures on all outgoing intelligence products preventing potential security violations · relied upon constantly to conduct the most difficult training; the best trainer in the section · trained the NCO leadership of five Forward Support Battalions and one Support Squadron improving overall tactical proficiency · established a 76Y training plan that greatly increased job performance from subordinates · eager to share knowledge and insight; encouraged Soldiers to strive for excellence · integrated Soldier into newly created production team through mentorship and training · trained three junior analysts on how to analyze, research, and then produce all-source intel products using a wide range of sophisticated automated systems during NTC · implemented Warrior Skills training resulting in a casualty free deployment · supervised the company’s M16A2 zero range which resulted in 100% of all firing Soldiers to zero their weapons on their first attempt · dedicated to the betterment of all mission facets by continually passing knowledge and insight onto peers and superiors · professionally conducted OPSEC and SAEDA training for five combat maneuver battalions, several military and police transition teams, and 8 tactical HUMINT teams> · continually developed methods to teach peers how to detect, report, and prevent security violations resulting in no deficiencies · fostered a positive work environment by unselfishly sharing knowledge and insight with seniors, peers, and subordinates · possessed an innate ability to bring out the best effort of her Soldiers during training · commended by the Division Command Sergeant Major for superb performance during Sergeant’s Time Training · trained three new junior analysts how to analyze, research, and write tailored intel products for a four-star theater commander · as a small group leader his students maintained an academic average of 93% without any failures · trained junior imagery analyst on the Imagery Work Station ensuring high quality imagery support for operations in her absence · possessed an innate ability to develop and empower his subordinates; resulted in the promotion of five Soldiers and the promotion of two Soldiers to Sergeant · varied training techniques creatively during training events; resulted in an increased training value and the detachment meeting pre-deployment training requirements · successfully incorporated AARs from supported brigades and convoy commander’s into everyday operations; resulted in more efficient, accurate, and safer operations · served as the leading element during the planning and implementing of new operational and management procedures within the detachment · cross trained Soldiers to ensure redundancy while balancing mission requirements, force protection, and crew rest through a 15-month deployment…

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Training NCOER Bullets (Excellence)

· coached the BN trainee flag football team to win first place in the brigade tournament · his squad area selected as best in battalion and DISCOM by CG/ADC · trained battalion and brigade reenlistment NCOs to win 1st Qtr FY91 Reenlistment Award · researched, designed and executed highly realistic cavalry scout combat training program at the NTC · developed a pre-ranger assessment and training program resulting in several enlisted and NCO ranger graduates · developed, planned, instructed sniper course for Alaska National Guard · coached the battalion’s M60 machine gun team to an overall top placement in the CG’s marksmanship competition · instrumental in his platoon receiving a 98% first-time pass rate in weapons qualification · mentored 5 Soldiers to achieve an average of 146 points on the promotion board · enrolled every soldier in his platoon in the CLEP Program to earn college credit · developed a student training handout which saved the Army an estimate $6,5000 annually · trained Division NCO of the Year · supervised and trained staff to provide seven separate medical threat briefings to over 1,500 Soldiers deploying to 13 different countries · formulated an $118,000 budget to meet all of MTMC Europe demands for training · only squad leader in the platoon that had 100% Soldier enrollment in college courses with three graduating this fall · wrote the SOP on radio training; enabled cross-training of TV producers and 100% cross-marketing of TV news to radio product · trained all six of his mechanics to earn mechanics badges while completing over 60 credit hours of military correspondence courses in his time off · placed second in TRADOC Instructor of the Year competition · provided expertise that assisted supply in winning Division Quarterly Supply Award · lack of battle casualties and mission success speaks volumes about the success of predeployment training program · received commendable rating in training during Brigade Inspection · trained section to score 97 percent during .50 cal avenger gunnery evaluation · developed a “Study for Success” class that reduced course failures from over 40 in FY88 to 12 in FY89 · achieved a 15% increase in CTT scores, through effective training and follow-up · complimented personally by the TRADOC IG for having a superior training program · commended by Battalion Commander for implementing the company’s first company level PAI Program · a D&C expert who reestablished the brigade drill team, resulting in two of his NCOs being accepted to all Army Drill Team · his outstanding Sergeant’s Time Training was selected as the centerpiece for a USAREUR TODAY television series · her emphasis on maintenance and logistics excellence led her unit to the Army Signal Command Supply of Excellence competition · mentored two drill sergeants to be selected as Battalion Drill Sergeant of the Quarter · organized a German/American Partnership Program that provided the opportunity to qualify and earn foreign weapons badges · selected above his peers for trip to New York to train West Point Cadets · marksmanship instructions resulted in 96% of the detachment firing expert with the M16A2 · magnificent training has resulted in 5 DA Culinary Arts Competition finalists · responsible for 7 out of 9 mechanics receiving their mechanics badge · trained the crew which won the 32d AADCOM best crew competition, by scoring a perfect 1000 points · personal attention to soldiers resulted in 95% platoon qualifying sharpshooter or better with personal weapons · his training methods resulted in his section being the only section in the battalion to have a perfect score at gunnery · relentless pursuit of excellence has resulted in 100% qualification for entire squad on all assigned weapons · provided primary training to Battalion medics which earned the section the Division EFMB Streamer · recognized by Honduran forces as best instructor during JTX Cabanas 89 · commended by IG for developing the best Battalion Annual and Quarterly training of 41 battalions inspected · trained her NBC Teams to win four consecutive quarterly Battalion NBC Competitions · coached subordinate to win the HHC DISCOM Soldier of the Year · mentored Regimental instructors to achieve an unprecedented 91% pass rate from the Ranger Course · mentored and trained two soldiers for promotion/WLC; one soldier earned distinguished honor graduate · clinical instructor for 91BN3 students with a 100% pass rate of all students who have taken the National Certification Exam · developed a mentoring guide for Soldiers that has been made available Army-wide; excellent leadership tool · coached and trained 15 units in Iraq on the use of the Taser X26 for quick fielding · developed and implemented a training curriculum which cross-trained 18 personnel on four independent transportation systems increasing the detachment’s readiness · cross trained seven personnel on BCS3, MTS, and MIRC and successfully integrated the systems into operations; resulted in more accurate and timely in-transit visibility · developed a Sergeant Morales study guide that assisted junior leaders in preparing for these demanding boards · trained 30 new personnel in 6 Battalion S2 shops in all aspects of personnel security, physical security, OPSEC, and information assurance · prepared six tank companies for an intense qualification gunnery with a 95 percent pass rate · his emphasis on combat readiness resulted in his platoon’s ability to deploy in less than 12 hours in support of a Operation Enduring Freedom…

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