Discussion on this NCOER

Today I would like to look at an NCOER from a fellow soldier. All personel identification has been removed to protect their identity. I would like feedback to determine what fellow leaders have to say about the bullet comments and the senior raters comments. What could be worded differently, are the bullets well written, is…

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1. Roles for rating officials: Rater: The rater’s primary role is that of evaluation, focusing on performance and performance counseling. Rater will: a. Counsel the rated NCO on his duty performance and professional development at least quarterly throughout the rating period. Define and discuss the duty description for part III of the NCO-ER with the rated NCO during…

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About Senior Rater Comments

Senior rater bullet comments are mandatory and should focus on potential for promotion, higher level schooling and positions of greater responsibility, but may also address performance, and/or the evaluation rendered by the rater. Senior rater bullet comments must be clear, concise and should reflect the senior rater’s recommendation to promote the NCO “now”, “ahead of” or “with peers”, or…

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Senior Rater Bullet Comments

Total Army asset; select for First Sergeant now Consummate professional; promote ahead of peers; consistently performs two pay grades above contemporaries Technically and tactically proficient; discharges duties with complete professionalism Soldier oriented NCO Assign this Sergeant to teach future leaders; West Point, ROTC any NCO academy His knowledge base is superior; potential ins unlimited A…

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Senior Rater NCOER Bullets

· will excel in positions requiring strong administrative and leadership skills · promote now, will be an excellent combat engineer unit first sergeant · assign this soldier in demanding and critical positions immediately to take full advantage of this soldier’s skills and expertise · a top notch NCO who expects and enjoys a challenge while instilling confidence within subordinates; sets an example for all to emulate · his greatest contribution to the Army will be leading and training armor soldiers in a line tank platoon · top performing SSG in a company with 23 SSGs · unlimited potential, promote ahead of peers, send to 1SG’s course and assign as a 1SG · extremely capable NCO; will excel in positions of greater responsibility · outstanding analyst; one of the best Balkans subject matter experts in USAREUR · extremely articulate, both in written products and oral presentations · outstanding performance in all respects; clearly performed above already high expectations · unlimited potential, promote to MSG and select immediately to attend the U.S. Army Sergeant Major Academy · superb coach, teacher, and mentor who created career opportunities for Soldiers and leaders · personifies the NCO creed, exceptional performance · a strong mentor and leader who successfully demands and receives the highest standards of excellence from Soldiers · promote immediately, the best NCO I’ve had the privilege to serve with · the epitome of a professional warrior, a model for others to emulate · boundless potential, promote to SFC ahead of peers · technically masterful in military occupational and leadership skills; highly adaptable, strategic thinker during complex situations · extremely versatile, responds positively to changes, consistently dependable and excels in any environment · promote immediately and make NCOIC of a MEDCEN or 1SG of a medical company · personally selected by the division CSM to become a SGM in the NCO academy · is ready to be a First Sergeant now · must promote to master sergeant on first look · keep in leadership positions; he will make a difference · has potential to perform well at higher organizational levels · extremely versatile and capbable of functioning in any capacity · a must for assignment as AG sergeant major · unlimited potential for future assignments · best squad leader in the platoon · assign as a battalion CSM or commandant of an NCO academy · performed with maturity and leadership skills normally found in a command sergeant major · select for drill sergeant duty; young Soldiers need his wisdom and guidance · unquestionably First Sergeant material; outstanding leader of Soldiers · tremendous leadership potential and knowledge that will allow any squad to succeed · select for CSM in the secondary zone; send to Sergeant’s Major Academy now · functions above current grade and is ready for more responsibility now · assign to demanding leadership positions; his full potential is yet to be realized · potential unlimited for advancement; performing at a higher grade level now · promote to SSG and send to BNCOC · his impeccable leadership skills demand tough leadership positions · has the drive and motivation to be an outstanding 1SG · the best qualified of 33 SGMs in the division to assume the duties of the directorate Sergeant Major · select for drill sergeant duty; this Soldier is who our newly recruited Soldiers need to guide them in the right directions · extremely competent and motivated NCO · intelligence analysis is his strength; send to ANCOC now and immediately employ his skills at the joint theater level · unrivaled leader; absolutely insured and motivates Soldiers to start and complete training on tasks in the least amount of time possible · unlimited potential, promote ahead of peers, send to 1SG’s course and assign as a 1SG · challenge with only the most challenging and demanding assignments as he surely will succeed · has demonstrated potential for positions of increased responsibility · unlimited potential for future assignments · promote to MSG now and send to First Sergeant Course · among the top 10% of analysts I have had the pleasure to work with · one of the most loyal, competent, and motivated noncommissioned officers I have ever observed in four years as 1SG · this SSG is already excelling as a platoon sergeant, promote now…

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