NCOER Bullets Leadership

A true mission oriented leader Performed leadership duties in a decisive and positive manner with exceptional results Actively leads AIT soldiers physical development and trains to excel in common Task Skills Demanded the best training environment for soldiers; accepted nothing less than quality results Led PT failures to 90 percent first time go on APFT…

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NCOER bullets Fitness & Military Bearing

Presented a professional, soldierly appearance at all times Motivated, enthusiastic NCO who took lead in organized physical fitness training of all soldiers Scored 300 on last APFT Excellent runner, ran two miles in 12 minutes Excellent physical condition; led advanced PT during physical training Platoon achieved 100% first time pass rate on APFT for two…

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The rater lists up to three (at least two) different future duty positions in which the rated NCO could best serve the Army at the current or next higher grade. Therefore, do not recommend a SSG serve as a 1SG or a SGT serve in a position normally identified for junior personnel. Also, a SSG who receives a marginal…

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NCOER Bullet Guidance

Specific bullet examples are mandatory for excellence or needs improvement ratings. Comments must be entered in “bullet” narrative format adhering to: o short, concise, to the point o ideal bullet is one line, but no more than two o no more than one bullet to a line o must double-space between bullets o best bullets start…

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NCOER Bullets Competence

Commended by the Battalion Commander for his Leaderbook; now used as an example for others to follow Received I Corps CSM coin for excellence Outstanding Battle Staff skills; key to success of platoon and company operations Chosen as Observer Controller to assist a FSB which resulted in a successful JRTC rotation Task oriented and detail…

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Preparing for Centralized Noncommissioned Officer boards

Recommendations on preparing for centralized noncommissioned officer boards. The information provided is drawn from discussions with senior noncommissioned officers who have participated in centralized boards, have experience in preparing official records for boards, and understand what is required to succeed during the board process. When you attain the rank of Staff Sergeant it’s time to…

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The Soldier Record Brief (SRB)

The Soldier Record Brief (SRB) is a multi-Component report that will be available to users as part of IPPS-A’s first release. The SRB offers HR Professionals, Leaders, and Soldiers centralized access to personnel information online and provides a snapshot of a Soldier’s military career information. The SRB will standardize and eventually replace the Enlisted and…

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How to use bullets to make a long sentences easier to read

If a sentence contains a series of related ideas or laundry-list items, put them in a bullet format. To make a bullet format, follow these steps: Step Action Bullets 1 Break the sentence into a lead-in statement and list ideas under it. Use this technique only for a long series. Don’t use it for a series…

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Advanced Leaders Course Common Core (DL)

The ALC-CC (DL) is a self-paced and challenging course designed to provide Sergeants and Staff Sergeants with an opportunity to acquire the leader technical and tactical Values, Attributes, Skills, and Actions (VASA) needed to lead a squad-size unit. Students must satisfactorily complete (graduate) all phases before granting them credit for the course. The ALC CC…

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Effective Military Communication (Slideshow)

Communication: The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, or writing. Barriers to Communication •  Physical Barriers •  Cultural Barriers •  Language Differences •  Format Errors •  Grammar and Spelling Mistakes Military Writing “Effective Army writing transmits a clear message in a single, rapid reading, and is generally free of errors in…

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