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What Is an Adjective?

Adjectives are words that modify or describe nouns.

Adjectives can describe the qualities of nouns. For example:

The word “big” describes a quality of the dog.

Adjectives can also describe the quantity of nouns. For example:

The word “many” describes the quantity of dogs.

Adjectives only modify nouns – they do not modify verbs, adverbs, or other adjectives.


Adjectives come in three forms: absolute, comparative, and superlative.

Absolute Adjectives

Absolute adjectives describe something that either cannot be or is not being compared. For example:

The absolute adjective “cool” describes the subject, “my brother.” My brother is cool in his own right – he’s not being compared to anything else.

Comparative Adjectives

Comparative adjectives do just what it sounds like they do – compare two or more things. For example:

The comparative adjective “cooler” is used to compare my brother’s cool factor to my own. Unsurprisingly, he comes out on top.

You can turn most one-syllable adjectives into their comparative forms by adding the suffix “-er” to them; if you’ve got a two-syllable adjective that ends with “-y” (e.g. happy), drop the “-y” and add “-ier” (happier). For other multi-syllabic adjectives, add the word “more” as a modifier.

This is the English language though, so there are always exceptions!

Superlative Adjectives

Superlative adjectives are adjectives that show that something has the highest degree of the mentioned quality. Let’s return to our example:

See? The superlative adjective “the coolest” shows that my brother has achieved peak levels of cool. You simply can’t be any cooler than he is!



Adverbs are modifiers. They alter the meaning of words ‒ verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, and even whole sentences. Writers use adverbs to add color and refine meaning.

Examples of Adverbs


Most (but not all) adverbs end in -ly. Examples include quicklyhelpfullyapprehensivelygrumpily. The adverb adds more nuanced information to the verb.

Each of those sentences paints a different picture because of the adverbs.

Types of Adjectives

As you check your adverbs, you may decide that some will stay. Make sure those adverbs are in the right place in the sentence.

An adverb in a sentence with two verbs may be placed incorrectly.


Readers will connect the adverb with the closest verb, so you want to make clear to your reader who is meditating.


One adverb that needs careful attention for placement is only. Use it after the verb and place it as close to the word it modifies as possible.

Grammar Girl uses grammarian James Kilpatrick’s example of how placing only changes the meaning of a sentence.

Only John hit Peter in the nose.

John hit only Peter in the nose.

John hit Peter only in the nose.

John only hit Peter in the nose.

The first sentence means John was the only person who hit Peter in the nose. In the second sentence, Peter is the sole recipient of the blow. In the third, Peter was hit in the nose but received no other blows or actions. And the fourth is open to interpretation. It could mean that John hit Peter in the nose but didn’t take any other actions or John hit Peter in the nose but did nothing else to it like pinch it.

When using only, make sure you know what you want to emphasize, then use the correct placement so that it’s clear to your reader.


When to Use Adverbs

Adverbs aren’t inherently good or bad: it’s all in how you use them. Let’s unpack when you should-and shouldn’t-use adverbs.

Use an adverb when…

1. It adds context or new information. For example, adverbs help you show time and place.

A well-placed adverb can give emphasis to your meaning. Consider how a woman being late to her wedding differs from one who is intentionally late.

3. Other words won’t work. Sometimes an adverb is exactly what you need. As smart as algorithms and machine learning code are, they cannot pick the right word every time. Only a writer or her editor can do that. That’s why writing is an art and not a science. Make sure you use adverbs sparingly and thoughtfully.

Replace an adverb when…

You can easily replace “called loudly” and “rose quickly” with stronger verbs that are more emotive.

3. You use “very” or “really.” What does “very” mean? Nothing solid, right? So whenever you feel obliged to drop in a “very” or a “really,” find a stronger word than these weak amplifiers.

The absolute adjective “cool” describes the subject, “my brother.” My brother is cool in his own right – he’s not being compared to anything else.

Comparative Adjectives

Comparative adjectives do just what it sounds like they do – compare two or more things. For example:

The comparative adjective “cooler” is used to compare my brother’s cool factor to my own. Unsurprisingly, he comes out on top.

You can turn most one-syllable adjectives into their comparative forms by adding the suffix “-er” to them; if you’ve got a two-syllable adjective that ends with “-y” (e.g. happy), drop the “-y” and add “-ier” (happier). For other multi-syllabic adjectives, add the word “more” as a modifier.

This is the English language though, so there are always exceptions!

Superlative Adjectives

Superlative adjectives are adjectives that show that something has the highest degree of the mentioned quality. Let’s return to our example:

See? The superlative adjective “the coolest” shows that my brother has achieved peak levels of cool. You simply can’t be any cooler than he is!



Anaphora is the deliberate repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of a clause to achieve an artist effect. Anaphora has a long history, dating all the way back to Biblical Psalms, where phrases like “O Lord” were repeated at the beginning of each line of a prayer.

Anaphora is a popular rhetorical device because it adds emphasis. The repetition gives your writing a powerful cadence and rhyme so it’s easier to read (no getting tripped up on changes at the beginning) and remember.

Using anaphora in your work helps you appeal to the emotions of your readers. The repetition sharpens your words and creates more urgency. Consider how the examples in the next section use anaphora to increase the power of the message.

Examples of Anaphora in Literature, Speech and Music

Writers, poets, and speakers have used anaphora for centuries to add emphasis to their work. Here are some of the most famous examples of anaphora from history.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: “I Have a Dream” Speech

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.” I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state, sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.”


Literary Definition

Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two Cities

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was theepoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was thespring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

Winston Churchill: “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” Speech

We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender.”

The Police: Every Breath You Take

Every breath you take

Every move you make

Every bond you break

Every step you take

I’ll be watching you

Anaphora: Final Thoughts

Anaphora is a powerful way to make your work resonate with readers. If you want them to remember your words, consider using repetition to add consequence to your work.



Articles are determiners that help show if a noun is general or specific.

Some common articles are a and an which are indefinite articles. They are used with a singular noun when that noun is non-specific.

For example:

In this example, Cara bought a car. But we don’t have any further information to tell us about which car Cara bought. Thus, the noun is non-specific.

The is a definite article. The shows a specific reference point. It can be used with both plural and singular nouns, as well as both countable and uncountable nouns.

In this example, the word “the” indicates that the author is talking about a specific park.


Bad Adverbs

Bad adverbs modify weak verbs and adjectives. They say in many words what a strong adjective or verb can say in one word. For instance:

“Raced” is a stronger, more emotive verb than “ran.” It also says in one word what “ran quickly” says in two.

We recommend using less than 15 bad adverbs in your writing. You can fix bad adverbs by replacing them with stronger verbs, nouns, or adjectives.

Why Bad Adverbs Hurt Your Writing

Adverbs are a part of speech, just like any other. There’s nothing inherently wrong with using an adverb. They are grammatically correct. However, overusing adverbs is a sign of lazy writing.

Adverbs are often used in instances when a stronger verb would do a better job of conveying meaning:

“Dashed” is a stronger, more evocative verb. “Dashed” also says the same thing in one word that “walked swiftly” says in two. Since published writing is concerned with conciseness, stronger verbs are better for your work than adverbs and weak verbs.

The same goes for adjectives: a strong noun or single adjective is better than a string of adverb descriptors.


Examples of Bad Adverbs

There are three main categories to watch out for:

#1: When the adverb is redundant with the verb it modifies

In this example, “quietly” is a bad adverb because it’s redundant when used with “whispered.” Whispering is already quiet. No need to say so again.

Here are some more examples of redundant adverbs:

#2: When the adverb modifies a weak verb or adjective

Not all adverbs are created equal. Neither are all verbs. For example:

You can replace “called loudly” with a stronger, more emotive verb:

Much better!

Here are some more examples of weak verbs:

#3: When the adverb doesn’t add any solid information

Certain adverbs don’t provide any value to your text. These include adverbs like extremelydefinitelytrulyvery, and really.

Think about it: what does “very” mean, anyway? Nothing solid! So if you’re tempted to use “very” (or another of these adverbs), it’s better to replace it with a stronger verb or adjective.

Not All Adverbs Are Created Equal: What Makes a Good Adverb

Some adverbs add needed clarity and meaning to your writing. Here are some examples of good adverbs:

#1: Adverbs that add context or new information

Adverbs of time, for instance, give context to when something happened:

The adverb “early” helps the reader understand when the subjects of the sentence left.

#2: Adverbs that replace clunky phrasing

Sometimes, adverbs can fix phrasing that feels strange or clunky. Consider:

The second option is clearer and easier to read.

Not all adverbs are bad. Not all adverbs are good. As the author, you have the power to decide whether or not to include adverbs in your writing.



A clause is a group of words containing both a subject and a verb. Examples of clauses are:

What are the Types of Clauses?

Independent Clauses

An independent clause can actually stand alone as a complete sentence with appropriate punctuation.

Dependent Clauses

A dependent clause can’t stand on its own as a complete sentence. It’s a clause that supplies an independent clause with more information.

It needs an independent clause to make it a complete sentence. Dependent clauses are joined to independent clauses with a subordinate conjunction (e.g., although, since, if, when, because, etc.).

Using Clauses in a Sentence

Clauses can also act as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.

The clause “what I did yesterday” acts like a noun. Compare this example to “I can’t remember my actions.”

The clause “who is afraid of heights” describes “my daughter.”

The clause “when the dog lunged at me” tells us when I dropped my bag.


Now that you know the difference between a dependent and independent clause and how to use clauses as nouns, adjectives, and adverbs, you can structure better sentences for your reader’s enjoyment.



Conjunctions are words that link other words, phrases, and clauses together.

There are three main kinds of conjunctions: coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, and subordinating conjunctions.

Coordinating Conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions are words like butandoryet, and so. They join together two parts of a sentence that have equal grammatical rank.


Correlative Conjunctions

Correlative conjunctions are pairs of conjunctions like either/orneither/nor, and not only/but also.

Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions join independent and dependent clauses. Subordinating conjunctions can show a cause and effect or a contrasting relationship.


Coordinating conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions connect words, phrases, and clauses that are of equal value to the sentence. The clauses that are connected by coordinating conjunctions are called independent clauses.

Subordinating conjunctions connect clauses and phrases that have a relationship. These clauses somehow depend on one another; they are dependent clauses. Subordinating conjunctions include words like becausewhileas, and since, to name a few.

The 7 Coordinating Conjunctions

The good news about coordinating conjunctions is that there are only seven you need to remember. They are forandnorbutoryet, and so. Together, they spell the acronym FANBOYS. Let’s look at each of them and how to use them.


For can be used as either a preposition or a conjunction. When used as a conjunction, it loosely means because or seeing asFor is typically used in more formal writing.


And is a conjunction with multiple purposes. It shows addition or quantity when listing items. It can also be used much like the subordinating conjunction then or also, but only when the phrases or clauses are equally important.


Nor is used in negative phrases. It can show subtraction or exception in a series of words or phrases. In these cases, it is often accompanied by the word neither. It can also continue the emphasis of a preceding negative phrase. If the preceding clause or phrase includes a negative word like not or nevernor can make the sentence more poignant.


But is a common little word that means many things. As a conjunction, it can mean yet or on the contrary. It can mean exceptunless, and if not. Again, it replaces these words by emphasizing parts of sentences equally instead of conditionally. That’s what makes it a coordinating conjunction.



While several of the coordinating conjunctions have a myriad of uses, yet is a lot simplers. It means thoughstill, or nevertheless. However, if you are using yet to talk about time or an amount (e.g. yet another hour), that’s not a coordinating conjunction. In those cases, yet is an adverb.


So is a special conjunction because it can be both coordinating and subordinating. To know which role so is playing, you must determine the types of clauses it’s connecting. If the two clauses are equal, as in two independent clauses, so is acting as a coordinating conjunction. In this case, so can often be replaced by therefore. If so connects an independent and dependent clause, it is a subordinating conjunction.

Using Coordinating Conjunctions

The way you structure your sentence affects how you use coordinating conjunctions. The rules regarding punctuation vary, and sentence structure is the main determiner.

You can use coordinating conjunctions to connect two words, whether they are nouns, verbs, adjectives, or adverbs. You do not need commas in this case.

Nouns: Would you like brownies or cupcakes for dessert?
Verbs: The dolphins chirped and dove into the water.
Adjectives: It was small but deadly.
Adverbs: We will walk quickly yet quietly to exit the building.

When connecting two phrases of equal value, a comma is also unnecessary before the coordinating conjunction. For example:

Commas are necessary when coordinating conjunctions connect two independent clauses. The comma will always go before the coordinating conjunction, not after.

The sentence structure for these types of sentences will always be independent clause + comma + coordinating conjunction + independent clause. Remember, this is only for coordinating conjunctions. The rules for subordinating conjunctions and commas are different.

The Oxford Comma Debate

There are few grammar issues more divisive than the Oxford comma or serial comma. This is the comma that comes before a coordinating conjunction in a list of three or more items. Here is an example:

See that little comma after bacon? That’s an Oxford comma. It is not required to be there. It’s more commonly used in American English than British English, and it is considered more of a modern trend. Depending on when you went to school, you might have learned that you don’t need the comma before and.

Both are correct! This is a stylistic choice for writers or editors. If you’re writing for work or school, be sure to check your style guide for its preference on the Oxford comma.

Coordinating Conjunctions: Not Just for the Middle of the Sentence

Your grade-school teachers might have told you to never start a sentence with and or but. But you can start a sentence with a coordinating conjunction! Just make sure that everything that follows the conjunction makes a complete sentence instead of being a sentence fragment.

Now that you know all about coordinating conjunctions, go forth and write with plenty of sentence variety!


Dangling modifiers

A modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that gives you more information about a subject or concept.

Examples of dangling modifiers

Take a look at the following sentence:

There are a couple modifiers in this sentence: one at the beginning to let the reader know about Janie’s emotions (Genuinely mortified), and the second at the end to let us know what happened with her skirt (it had blown up).

A modifier needs to be placed directly before or after its intended target. In the above case, we know who was mortified and what the wind blew.


Sometimes an inexperienced writer will dangle those modifiers and change the meaning of the sentence. Consider the following:

In that version, it reads as though the wind was mortified rather than Janie.

In that version, the skirt was mortified and Janie was blown up by the wind.

In both examples, there is a lack of clarity and your reader will probably need to go back and try decipher the sentence.

So how do you make sure your modifier is not dangling?

When you use a phrase or clause at the beginning of a sentence, identify the subject of your main clause. Does your phrase or clause describe it? If not, it’s dangling. Use the same test for any clause or phrase that comes after your subject. Another example:

Rewriting this sentence to combine the phrase and the main clause makes it much more accessible and easy to read:

A final example:

Video games don’t do homework. At least, not yet. The following rewrite helps you clarify whose homework was finished.

Now that you understand dangling modifiers, you’ll be able to catch those danglers and make them clearer. Good luck!



Exaggeration is any statement that creates a worse, or better, image or situation than it really is. It’s used to highlight points and add emphasis to a feeling, an idea, an action, or a feature. Using exaggeration in your writing lets you describe something in a heightened way to make it more remarkable. Poets use exaggeration through similes and metaphors.

And often, exaggeration is paired with sarcasm and irony to create a humorous narrative.

Types of exaggeration

There are two types of exaggeration that writers use to create effect.


A writer crafts a statement that slightly exaggerates something to make his or her meaning more prominent. For example, a poet could overstate the actual truth of his beloved’s beauty and charisma by comparing her to famous people, works of art, or even opulent locations.


Hyperbole takes it over the top. It’s an extreme and extravagant exaggeration that’s impossible to believe. When you say your grandmother is as old as the hills or a bag of groceries weighs a ton, you’re using hyperbole.

Exaggerations are common

We use exaggerations every single day such as:

Examples of exaggerations in literature

If you haven’t read it yet, check out Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal. He uses his writing talent to make quite the social and political statement. This amusing read exaggerates a political solution to save Ireland from poverty: kill the children of poor Irish families and feed them as a delicacy to Ireland’s nobles. He even explains how their skin could make wonderful handbags and gloves.

The poem Song by John Donne is a list of impossible to achieve tasks. The opening line tells the reader to Go and catch a falling star which, if possible, children all over the world would already have done. He also says it takes a journey of ten thousand days and nights to find a faithful woman. Beyond being an obvious exaggeration, this is an example of misogyny in literature.

Finally, Big Fish: A Novel of Mythic Proportions by Daniel Wallace was adapted into a film by Tim Burton. In this story, Edward Bloom is dying of cancer. His son Will hasn’t spoken to him for years because he finally got sick of his father’s exaggerated stories as nothing more than lies. It’s on Edward’s deathbed that he relives the stories he told and Will finally comes to understand the truth in them. Surprise ending (read the book or watch the movie).

Final thoughts

Consider how you can use exaggeration in your next story. For example, a character may use exaggeration as manipulation, much like a child uses big eyes, tears, and sobs to get attention. Another character could use exaggeration to deliberately skew the facts about someone’s reputation as character assassination. There are as many ways to use exaggeration in your WIP as your imagination can think them up.



Infinitives are verbs preceded by the word “to” that function as nounsadjectives, or adverbs in a sentence. Examples include:

An infinitive does not function as a verb. This means you can never add sesed, or ing to the end.

Examples of Infinitives in English Grammar

Infinitives as Nouns

How can an infinitive function as a noun?

In this sentence, “To walk” functions as the noun because it’s the subject of the sentence.

“To cater” in this sentence functions as the object of “refuses.”

Infinitives as Adjectives

How can an infinitive function as an adjective?

The infinitive “to purchase” is an adjective that modifies the noun “book.”

Infinitives as Adverbs

How can an infinitive function as an adverb?

The infinitive “to travel” tells us what was “agreed,” functioning as an adverb modifying a verb.

When can you split an infinitive?

According to a strict grammarian, never. It’s been written in stone for decades that “thou shalt not” split infinitives.

That said, sometimes a sentence reads better with a split infinitive, especially in informal writing. Consider the impact of the following sentences:

It wouldn’t have the same impact if they’d said:

Consider it your literary license to boldly titillate your audience with carefully placed split infinitives. Just not too many, eh?



You most likely know several interjections, but did you know the word comes from the Latin inter, which means “between”, and jacere, which means “to throw”? So you’re literally throwing a word or phrase in between sentences or thoughts to signify your feelings. It’s a word bomb to get someone’s attention.

More often than not, you’ll use an interjection to express surprise or excitement.

Examples of interjections:

When should you use an interjection?

Most people use interjections today in the form of emojis. For example, you might type:


Your emoji signifies how you feel about that vegan burrito.

Your character in your manuscript, however, won’t communicate in emojis unless you’re writing an entire story in text messages. (Let’s hope not.)

Instead, your character might say:


While most conversations between human beings include interjections, you don’t want to pepper your dialogue or narrative with them. Why? Because more careful word choice leads to a better mental picture in your readers’ minds than an interjection.

For example:

How to punctuate interjections

If you’re writing interjections, know how to punctuate them correctly. When using an interjection to relay a strong emotion, set the interjection off as a separate sentence with an exclamation point.

If you want to capture your character’s alarm or surprise, follow your interjection with a question mark.

When you’re not expressing intense emotions, a comma will suffice.

Final thoughts

Writers use interjections because people use them in speech all the time.

How many times have you read in a book or watched on film as the nervous, shy guy stumbles over his own words when trying to ask out the gorgeous supermodel? But if you’d rather not be cliché, you can still use interjections to define certain characters. One character might start all of his sentences with, “Okay, then.” Or some other interjection because real-life people have these little idiosyncrasies that show up in their speech, right? (Mine is dropping in “right?” at the end of sentences.)



What Is a Noun?

A noun is a person, place, or thing. The first two are clear-the last one’s a bit nebulous. A “thing” can be a feeling, or a concept, or an object, or a unit of measurement. If you’re not sure, consult your dictionary (or better yet, your ProWritingAid app).

What Is a Noun’s Function in a Sentence?

Every sentence needs a subject and a verb. A noun is most often the subject of a sentence. For example:

“Wilson” is the subject of this sentence, and also a noun. The verb is “ruled,” and it tells you what Wilson is doing. Let’s try another example.

We’ve got three nouns here: astronautsurface, and planet. However, only “astronaut” is the subject, since she’s the one doing the moonwalking. (By the way, surface is one of the “things” covered by our definition.)

Types of nouns

Common Nouns

These are any old regular noun. They refer to people, places, or things in general.

Proper Nouns

These refer to a specific person, place, or thing. To signify their importance, proper nouns are always written with initial capital letters.

Concrete Noun

This type of noun refers only to things that interact with our senses. That is, they can be touched, seen, smelled, tasted, or heard.

Abstract Noun

Abstract nouns refer to things which cannot be observed by the senses. For example:

Yes, you can look at someone’s face and see that they’re happy. However, happiness is still considered abstract because happiness itself is not an observable object.

Collective Nouns

Collective nouns refer to a particular group of people, places, or things.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

These are self-explanatory. Countable nouns are those that can be counted:

Uncountable nouns, on the other hand, have an indefinite or undefinable value, and therefore cannot be counted:

You’ll notice that many abstract nouns end up being uncountable as well.

Singular and Plural Nouns

Many nouns have multiple forms: singular and plural. Singular nouns refer to one person, place, or thing, while plural nouns refer to multiple people, places or things.

Some examples of singular nouns:

Now here are the plural forms of these same verbs:

We can often turn a singular noun into a plural simply by adding an “s” on the end. Others, like “oxen”, are a bit trickier. As always, if you’re unsure, check your dictionary.



Take a common verb like jump. It can be used as a noun as in:

It can also be used as an adjective:

Examples of present participles

An easy way to distinguish is present participles always end in ‘ing’.

Examples of past participles

Most common verbs ending in ‘ed’ form the past participle, such as:

Examples of irregular past participles

Some past participles are a little trickier. Thanks to irregular verbs, you have words like:

So there isn’t a hard and fast rule that you can use to form past participles from irregular verbs. That’s why it’s so hard to teach young children to say “brought” instead of “brung.”



You probably don’t need our help with these. For most words, simply add an “s” to the end of the singular form to make a plural. For instance:

Easy enough. Things are slightly complicated when the word already ends with an “s,” or with a “ch,” “sh,” “x,” or “z.” In this case, it’s often correct to add “es” instead.

What about words like “memory”? To pluralize a word ending in a consonant and the letter “y,” replace the “y” with “ies.”

Now let’s advance to the truly tricky stuff.

Irregular Plurals

As the name implies, irregular plurals don’t follow the rules of their regular counterparts. The best way to learn these is to memorize them. Here are a few examples:

Calf and Calves

One might think calfs is the right words, but it’s actually calves. There are a few others with a similar construction, including leaf and leavesknife and knives, and life and lives.

Hoof and Hoofs (or Hooves)

Some irregular plurals are actually acceptable in multiple forms, as in the case of the word hoof. The logical plural hoofsactually works here. Yet using hooves is also valid. As the writer, it’s your choice which you use, so long as you’re consistent.

Just don’t get tripped up with words that sound similar. For example, hooves is an acceptable plural of hoof. However, prooves is not the plural of proof. The correct plural is proofs. It’s just one of those things you have to remember.

Person and People

This is certainly one of the stranger ones on this list. The preferred plural of person is not persons. It’s people.

However, you’ve probably heard the word persons used before, such as in the phrase “Missing Persons Case.” That’s because persons is a formal version of the plural and therefore used almost exclusively in legal settings. So unless you’re a law enforcement official, you should opt for people.

What about peoplesIn the words of Jane Mairs, Director of English Language Learning Publishing, “the only time you will want to use the word ‘peoples’ is when you are referring to groups of people from multiple ethnic, cultural, racial, or national backgrounds.” For example:


Prepositional Phrases

A prepositional phrase is a group of words including a preposition, an object and any modifiers.

Most prepositional phrases modify a noun or verb, often called adjectival or adverbial phrases, respectively.

Examples of prepositions

A prepositional phrase contains a preposition and an object. The object can be a noun, a gerund (a verb ending in -ingthat acts like a noun), or a clause.

Here are a few examples, with each prepositional phrase in bold:

Notice how prepositions can modify nouns or verbs.

Ending sentences with a preposition

Some of us learned that ending a sentence with a dangling preposition was bad form. The Oxford Dictionary states that’s no longer the case: what used to hold true in years past for Latin isn’t how we use English today.

It’s perfectly acceptable to end some sentences with a preposition:

If you tried to rewrite the above sentences to avoid ending with a preposition, they would be awkward at best:

Per, “There is no necessity to ban prepositions from the end of sentences. Ending a sentence with a preposition is a perfectly natural part of the structure of modern English.”

Avoid using too many prepositional phrases

When you use too many prepositional phrases in a single sentence, it becomes ungainly and inelegant:

When you use ProWritingAid to check your work, too many prepositional phrases will show up in the Sticky Sentences Report. You can then reword to express yourself better:

This sentence is far clearer. Notice that we still have two prepositions, but the structure is now straightforward and every word carries weight.

Want more information on prepositional phrases? Our friend Daniel over at Daily Writing Tips has written a useful articleabout what they are and how to identify them in your writing.



Prepositions connect phrases, nouns, and pronouns with other words in a sentence. They’re words that show location, placement, or orientation. A convenient way to remember what prepositions are is to remember the word “position” within “preposition”: they can tell you an object’s position.

Common prepositions include:

Here’s a sentence with a common preposition:

“The cookies are inside the cookie jar.”

In this sentence, “inside” is our preposition because it tells us where the cookies are.

Here are a few more examples, with the prepositions in bold:

Types of Prepositions

Since prepositions refer to location, placement, and orientation, there are several types.

Using Tools

If you’re describing use of an implement, machine, or device, you’ll need a preposition. For example:


These prepositions indicate an object’s direction, or the way it’s facing.


Prepositions of time indicate how objects relate to one another in terms of when they happen.


These prepositions correspond to a person or agent performing an action.


Prepositions of place define an object’s position.

Seems clear enough, doesn’t it? Well the English language is never that straightforward! You should also know about particles.


In some sentences, words that normally act as prepositions appear instead of parts of verbs. These words are known as particles. You’ve probably heard many of these phrasal verbs:

In these phrasal verbs, “up”, “down”, and “back” would normally be treated as prepositions. Here, however, since they’re essentially part of the verb, they’re particles instead. Here they are in full sentences:

A good way to differentiate them is to shift the word in question to the beginning of the sentence. If this new sentence makes sense, you’ve got a preposition. If not, you’ve got a particle. Let’s try one of our sentences above.

That makes no sense. Therefore, “up” is indeed a particle. Now let’s try this sentence:

Now let’s try our trick.

That makes sense, so “up” in this sentence is a preposition, not a particle.



Pronouns are words that stand in for nouns. We use them every day, so you’ll recognize most, such as these personal pronouns:

Pronouns prevent needless repetition. In a world without them, our sentences might look like this:

That’s a terrible reading experience. We know we’re reading about Lucielle the entire time, so there’s no need to remind us who she is in every sentence. Let’s read it with the appropriate pronouns:

Notice how in that last sentence, we opted to use the character’s name again rather than the pronoun. Every time a writer uses a pronoun, it’s a choice. I decided not to use the pronoun there because I felt it was an important character moment, and therefore worthy of emphasis. Using the character’s name instead of a pronoun accomplishes this objective.

Types of Pronouns

Personal Pronouns

As in the above example, personal pronouns stand in for someone’s name. If that person’s name is the subject of the sentence, the corresponding pronoun is known as a subjective pronoun. If it’s the object of the sentence, the corresponding pronoun is known as an objective pronoun.

No, that’s not a typo. “You” can be either a subjective or objective pronoun depending on the sentence’s context.

Indefinite Pronouns

As the name implies, these pronouns are general. They don’t correspond to any specific noun. For example:


Possessive Pronouns

Possessive pronouns indicate ownership:

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns are sort of like indicators. They stand in for nouns that have been previously mentioned.

Intensive Pronouns

Intensive pronouns amplify nouns. Therefore, they’re usually paired with the noun being amplified. For example, in the sentence, “I myself prefer eggs for breakfast,” myself is the intensive pronoun and it’s paired with I. Notice that intensive pronouns aren’t an essential element of the sentence.

In different contexts, these same pronouns can become reflexive pronouns. Unlike intensive pronouns, reflexive pronouns are an essential element of the sentence. For example:

“Sometimes I confuse myself.”

If we remove myself from this sentence, we lose all meaning. In this case, myself is an essential element, and therefore a reflexive pronoun.

Interrogative Pronouns

The name says it all here. Interrogative pronouns are used when seeking more information:

A classic example of a sentence with an interrogative pronoun is: “Who else knows about this?”

Interrogative pronouns can become relative pronouns based on the sentence’s context. An interrogative becomes reflexive when it’s used to combine clauses in a sentence. For example:

“I’m wondering which of you knows about this.”

What About “They”?

“They” is a plural pronoun, which means it stands in for two or more people. However, some writers use they to express indefinite gender in a subject.

For example, let’s say your main character Lucille is driving down the road. Lucielle’s cut off by another driver, though she can’t see that person and therefore can’t tell their gender. So she might exclaim, “I can’t believe they just did that!”, even though she is talking about a single person.

Furthermore, if a person prefers not to identify as either male or female, they might prefer the pronoun they. Many other non-binary pronouns have been introduced, such as ze, but few have stuck. Therefore, many non-binary people prefer they.

Is it proper to use the traditional plural they when referring to a single person? As is often the case, usage drives acceptance. Many grammar experts will tell you that it’s not technically correct to use they as a singular pronoun, yet they’ll also admit that it’s becoming more common, and therefore more acceptable.

Go use some pronouns!


Subordinate Clause

Firstly, a clause is a group of words that contain both a subject and a verb.

A subordinate clause depends on a main clause to form a complete sentence or thought.

This clause can’t stand on its own. It needs a main clause to get across its complete thought.

How do you form complete sentences using subordinate clauses?

The main (or independent) clause and the subordinate (or dependent) clause are joined by a subordinate word or conjunction, such as:

Subordinate clauses with their subordinating conjunctions or words can come at the beginning of a sentence where they are always set off by a comma:

Or subordinate (dependent) clauses can come at the end of the sentence where they are never set off by a comma.

Types of Adjectives

What is a compound complex sentence?

You can construct a complex compound sentence by joining a dependent or subordinate clause with two independent clauses.

If your subordinating clause comes at the beginning of your complex compound sentence, don’t forget to set it off using a comma.

If it comes at the end of one of your main clauses, you don’t need to separate it with a comma.

Your two main clauses are always separated by a comma and a conjunction.

Key takeaways.

Subordinate clauses make sentences more interesting. The key is to remember:

✓ They always need to attach to a main clause to complete the sentence.

✓ You need to set them off with a comma if they come before the main clause.



Transition words are the road signs in writing. And great transitions help your reader follow your train of thought without becoming bogged down trying to discern your meaning. Words and phrases like “similarly”, “nevertheless”, “in order to”, “likewise”, “as a result”, show the relationships between your ideas and can help illustrate agreement, contrast or show cause and effect.

An example of a transition

Take the following two sentences. Which one reads more fluidly?

In the second example, you understand that the two thoughts are both important and related. Mark is equally avoiding seeing these people who used to be his friends and the food that he doesn’t like.

Another example of a transition

The use of “Because of this” in the second sentence makes clear to the reader that the gap in time between the call and the visit was a direct result of the over-reaction.

One last example of a transition

Now we see the action in a wider lens: the ball goes into the street just as a car comes careening around the corner. The first illustration is short and choppy. It doesn’t flow well. The second sentence with a transition leads you smoothly between two related, but different thoughts.



Verbs are one of the two main parts of a sentence, along with nouns. You need a noun and a verb to make a complete sentence.

What is a verb?

Verbs are action words, like shoutjumprun, and eat. They tell us what’s happening in the sentence. They also sometimes tell us about a state of being.

There are three types of verbs:

What is an Action Verb?

When a person or thing is doing something, that’s an action verb. Action verbs are the best ones to use in your writing to move your story forward and create tension. They can be split into two categories:

1) Transitive verbs.

This verb is always followed by a noun that’s receiving the action, called the direct object.

The verb is “patted,” and the noun that’s receiving this action is “my dog’s head,” which is the direct object of the action verb.

Sometimes an object can be indirect, such as when you’re expressing to whom the action is being done.

The verb is “gave” and the object given was “a kiss.” To whom it happened was Angelina, the indirect object of the sentence.

2) Intransitive verbs.

When an action verb has no direct object, it’s called an intransitive verb. Intransitive verbs can be followed by an adverb or adverb phrase, but there will never be a direct object.

The verb is “runs,” and the phrase “quickly away” tells us more about the verb, but there is no object here to receive the action.

An easy way to tell the difference between a transitive and an intransitive verb is to ask the question, “What is receiving the action from this verb?” If you can name a noun that’s on the receiving end, it’s a transitive verb. If you can’t name a noun, whether a direct or indirect object, then the verb is intransitive.

What is a Modal Verb?

Modal verbs help us understand more about the verb in question. They give us hints on the possibility of something happening (canshould, etc.) or time (hasdidwas, etc.). When you add a modal or helping verb to your sentence, you’ve created a verb phrase.

These words always function as modal verbs, or helping verbs:

• can • could • may • might • must • ought to • shall • should • will • would

In addition, you can have helping verbs consisting of the forms of to be, to do, and to have. Keep in mind though the following words can also serve as linking verbs (which we’ll discuss next):

• am • are • be • been • being • did • do • does • had • has • have • is • was • were

What is an Auxiliary Verb?

Linking verbs connect the subject of your sentence to a noun or adjective that describes your subject. The noun or adjective is called the “subject complement.”

The most common linking verb is the various forms of “to be” (amareiswaswere, etc.). Sometimes, the forms of “to be” are helping verbs, as you learned in the previous section.

“To become” and “to seem” are always linking verbs. The following verbs, however, can sometimes be linking verbs and other times be action verbs:

• to appear • to continue • to feel • to grow • to look • to prove • to remain • to sound • to stay • to smell • to taste • to turn

Verb Tenses: A Primer

Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and future. These are called the simple tenses, and they’re fairly straightforward.

What’s past is past.

Past tense verbs show action that happened in the past:

The time is now.

Present tense verbs tell us what’s happening now:

Tomorrow is another day.

Future tense verbs show us what is going to happen in the future:

Where things start to get dicey.

There’s something called “perfect tenses,” and they come in present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tense. They are all formed with helping verbs (e.g., havehashadwillshall) and the past participles of the verb. Past participles are simply one of four principal parts of a verb, which is discussed in another article.

Past perfect tense.

These verbs describe an action that came directly before another action in the past, or happened for a definite amount of time in the past. For example:

Present perfect tense.

Present perfect tense tells us what happened recently or some indefinite time in the past.

Future perfect tense.

These show us what will happen before some other future action takes place. Future perfect tense uses “will have” and “shall have.”

Progressive forms show actions in progress.

Simple and perfect verb tenses are also used in forming a progressive verb form that shows us what’s taking place at the moment or is continuing. Simply add one of the forms of “to be” with the present participle that ends in -ing.



Word classes are parts of speech. They’re the building blocks that form every sentence ever uttered. They are categorized by the role they play in your sentences.

Everyone agrees on the following four main word classes:

  1. Noun
  2. Verb
  3. Adjective
  4. Adverb

There are varying opinions as to whether the following are word classes or word forms. So we went straight to the experts: the Oxford and Cambridge Dictionaries. Per these two highly learned sources, the following are considered word classes also:

  1. Pronoun (e.g. I, you, me, we, mine, someone, he, she)
  2. Preposition (e.g. at, in, on, across, behind, for)
  3. Conjunction (e.g. and, but, when, if, because)
  4. Determiner (e.g. a, the, an, this, etc.)
  5. Exclamation or Interjection (e.g. oh, ah, wow, ouch)

The four main classes have thousands of members, and new nouns, verbs, and other words are being created every day. Consider the verb “google.” This verb didn’t exist just a few years ago and now it is firmly entrenched in everyday language. Just last month a new noun, “intersectionality” (the study of overlapping social identities and related systems of discrimination), was just added to Can you think of any other words that have recently been created and entered your own vocabulary?

Some words, however, can fall in multiple word classes depending on their context:

The next step is to use your word classes to form phrase classes, like noun phrases, verb phrases, adjective phrases, etc. But we’ll save that for another post.


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